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The Guide to Double Digit Staffing Firm Growth
Growing your staffing firm is not easy. To help you focus on what’s most important for growth, we put together a whitepaper based on what we have observed in the staffing industry over 20 years. In this whitepaper we discuss lessons from fast growing firms, what qualities top performing firms have in common, the biggest…
The Staffing Owner’s Guide to Sales: Strategies, Tips, and Tricks to Help Your Team Crush Sales Goals
If you own your own staffing firm, chances are good that you have had experience on the sales side of things and have a lot of incentive to keep sales strong. The key is to surround yourself with a sales team just as motivated as you. In this whitepaper, we will talk about many facets…
Being Prepared for Financial Uncertainty: A Staffing Owner’s Guide
In staffing, the one thing you can be certain of is that things will change. For staffing firm owners, volatility and uncertainty is part of the challenge they face every day in running their business. To that end, we have compiled a guide for staffing owners to draw upon when the economic future is hazy….
The Profitability Guidebook: 10 Ways to Make Your Staffing Firm More Profitable
Making more profit in staffing is about more than just selling more of your services, or determining how much markup goes over your pay rate. Increased profitability involves ensuring that every level of your business is in line with your goals through careful planning, communication, and control. In this guide, we are looking beyond sales and pricing structures…
How to Manage Risk in Staffing: An Owner’s Manual
Temporary staffing is a fast moving industry with a particular set of risks, and the degree to which you can understand and manage those risks can be the difference between staying in business and shuttering your doors. In this whitepaper, we will cover each of the different categories of risk and what you can do…
Watch Michael Masse, CTO of Seaglass discuss how relationships and staying ahead of the curve matters in a recession.
The Beginner’s Guide to Marketing Your Staffing Firm
We hear this dilemma all the time from staffing firms: I need to promote my business in order to grow, but I don’t have the time or budget to devote to it. I’m just starting to get into marketing, I don’t know what I don’t know, it’s difficult to measure results… Sound familiar? That’s why…